Does Innovation and Foreign Direct Investment Affect Renewable Energy Consumption? Evidence from Developing Countries


  • Hafiza Nabila Shahzadi Superior University Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Ali Superior University Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Rana Kashan Ghafoor Superior University Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Saif Ur Rahman University Utara Malaysia.



Renewable Energy, Technological Innovation, FDI, Panel ARDL


The purpose of the study to analyze the long-run and short-run effects of foreign direct investment, technological innovation, economic growth, and greenhouse gas emission has show the impact in developing countries from 1991 to 2021on renewable energy. Applying dynamic panel ARDL technique, the outcomes confirm that, economic growth, foreign direct financing and technological innovations take a negative impact on sources of energy. However, greenhouse gas emission has a significant positive influence on renewable energy. The impression of economic growth, FDI, and technological innovation, is positive, fostering to energy use and greenhouse emissions in the developing countries. The practical remedies are exclusive and give policy suggestions; such as, financial markets in the developing countries must be encouraged for the reason that they are the core determinants of the renewable energy sector and economic growth, reducing greenhouse emissions. Moreover, investment in the R&D of technological innovations is much needed in these countries.


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Author Biographies

Hafiza Nabila Shahzadi, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan.

M.Phil. Scholar, Faculty of Commerce and Finance

Muhammad Ali, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan.

M.Phil. Scholar, Faculty of Business Administration

Rana Kashan Ghafoor, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan.

M.Phil. Scholar, Faculty of Commerce and Finance

Saif Ur Rahman, University Utara Malaysia.

School of Economics, Business and Finance




How to Cite

Shahzadi, H. N., Ali, M. ., Ghafoor, R. K. ., & Rahman, S. U. . (2023). Does Innovation and Foreign Direct Investment Affect Renewable Energy Consumption? Evidence from Developing Countries. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(2), 908–916.


