The Role of Human Rights and Obligations toward Cross Gender Empowerment under the domain of Islamic Laws

Main Article Content

Salma Nawaz
Malik Shahzad Shabbir
Kanwal Shaheen
Mouna Koser


This study enumerates Islamic laws regarding women rights throughout the extent of Quran and Hadith in the principal origins of Islam. It highlights toward gender equity and women rights. Islamic principles consistently accord with nature of man and woman and think about their intrinsic contrasts. Islam has ensured people (both men and women) human rights and obligations associated with them as people in an equivalent degree. What Islam ensures usually not get conveyed into solid actions because of dominant communal and ethnic standards and in context of social and cultural relations. The basic estimations of Islam ostensibly advance and respect the status of women in the public eye. Islam gave freedom to Muslim women by allowing them equivalent rights as similar to their male partners, as demonstrated by the Prophet Mohammad ??? ???? ???? ???? (PHUH) [women are identical parts or
sisters in relation to men]. Numerous adamant translations of Islamic messages and practices of a larger number of Muslim societies unfortunately disagree the primary origin of women rights as well as gender equalities. Besides, it is falsly realized that Muslim females particularly are in retrograte position and are also mistreated by religion Islam as compare to non-Muslim women who are observed as liberated, modernized and forward. Thusly, this article focuses to distinguish how religion Islam has provided women their rights, liberty, equality and respect.

Article Details

How to Cite
Nawaz, S., Shabbir, M. S., Shaheen, K. ., & Koser, M. (2021). The Role of Human Rights and Obligations toward Cross Gender Empowerment under the domain of Islamic Laws. IRASD Journal of Management, 3(3), 208–217.
Author Biography

Kanwal Shaheen, Government College Women University, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Assistant professor, Department of Management Sciences